Prayer: Observations, Questions & Application

  • Systemic & Historic considerations lead to questions regarding corporate prayer in Boston now and in the future.

  • What else was going on in Boston in the 90s? Chronology of events started? (See table below).

  • How did these events inter-relate?

  • Seeing a rise and fall pattern of the 90s.

  • What part did competition among leaders and unmet expectations regarding revival play in the decline?

  • How can we prevent the desire to control revival especially as it is in the early stages?

  • What are the current/emerging prayer movements and how they can be nurtured/sustained? (See list below).

  • We need to map what we do know regarding prayer activity in the city/region.

  • What would happen if Boston repented of its sin of competition and false expectations regarding revival?

  • What is needed to encourage & sustain corporate prayer in Boston?

  • How can this group participate?