Prayer Movement, “A Systemic Consideration” Dr. Douglas Hall

  • The human body is an example of a living, complex system.

  • The Holy Spirit had a role in creating living, complex systems.

  • We have a limited understanding of these complex systems.

  • How we are attempting to understand complex systems through systematic thinking.

  • How we must also attempt to understand complex systems through prayer.

“But anyway that’s my understanding of prayer. That we get in touch with the author, the creator of the universe, the one who makes life-physical, social, spiritual…anything. And unless we are into that- our futile understanding is never going to do anything. But, the closer we can get to understanding some of this stuff, the closer we can get to understanding the complexity of this thing, and our absolute dependence on prayer. And it sort of nudges us a little closer to the ball park in which God is already operating.” - Dr. Douglas Hall